Transformation of mixed plastic packaging waste from Urban Solid Waste into new materials.

200203 RSU residuos plasticos mezcladosThe rejection of municipal waste management facilities is formed by a heterogeneous mixture of diverse materials, including plastic packaging waste. However, although these have considerable potential for valorization through recycling or as fuel for cement kilns, most of the time they end up in landfills.


Object of the project.

The project carried out for a waste management company has aimed to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of the transformation of mixed plastic packaging waste from urban solid waste to generate intermediate products (crushed or granulated) that can be used in extrusion processes.

Project activity.

Once the processes and equipment necessary for the preliminary conditioning of the plastic waste for its subsequent transformation and extrusion were defined, the conditioning was carried out by means of different cleaning and crushing techniques. In the final phase of the project, the materials obtained were transformed in different ways to obtain different intermediate products such as pellets and final products as profiles via extrusion.