Recycled plastic pellets from mixed plastic waste coming from municipal waste sorting facilities.

170830 residuos plasticos municipales rechazo

The mixed plastic waste coming from the municipal waste sorting facilities is composed of a heterogeneous mixture of diverse materials, including plastics with an interesting potential for recovery,  through material recycling or energy recovery. With this materials the project will try to create plastic pellets for industry.





Project Objective.

The project has aimed to study the technical and economic feasibility of transforming the mixed plastic waste coming from the municipal waste sorting facilities into plastic pellets that can be accepted in the market for its quality and price.


Project Phases.

The first phase consisted in separating on an industrial scale. On the one hand, the plastic materials and on the other hand, the contaminants formed mainly by paper, cardboard, textiles, etc.

In the second phase, the plastic fraction was transformed via an extrusion process into pellets, which were subsequently injected as various product test into an industrial plastic injection plant.

The third phase, once the technical viability of the process was demonstrated, was the analysis of the economic feasibility of obtaining plastic pellets from the mixed plastic waste coming from the municipal waste sorting facilities.